Learn how to run an effective and productive meeting with focus and results!

What are most Effective Meetings missing? Focus and Results!  

Want help!? Then read / view for more productive and effective meetings and how to create an effective meeting mission and outcome statement.

This two minute of preparation time for your meeting will have exponential results!

Let’s be real – if you are hoping to have an effective meeting and your attendees walk in the door without the knowledge or understanding of what their attending or what you hope to accomplish by this meeting of the minds – then you already are starting behind. Your own abilty to engage, inspire, convey info and get something done is up to your facilitation and leadership skills. Hope you’re OK with that.  Want some help?  Something easy to do and gives your attendees a goal when they walk in the door (besides just get out of this meeting) ? 

Your meetings need a mission!  If you’re depriving your meetings of this simple element, then you risk having a meeting that sucks and will be made fun of at the water cooler tomorrow.  Here’s an webisode of Boring Meetings Suck TV – that you NEED to watch.  (and only 4 minutes to more productive and effective meetings).

 Or hit the effective meeting link here: Your effective meeting better have a mission

If you want to read more – check out the blog post “Your meetings Need A Mission” or the article in Talent Management Magazine “Tips To Make Your meeting More Effective


Posted by Jon Petz in Boring Meetings Suck TV.

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